Saturday, January 9, 2010

Reason I Suck #369-update

You know, I probably ought to quit posting about How Much I Suck. Talk about redundancy. Any of you who've popped in with any regularity already know that I'm a frequent-flyer in the suckage department. I should get bonus miles, or something.

Today I'm here to confess yet two more things I suck at. Promptness and reciprocity.

Over the past few months, some of you kind readers have been thoughtful enough to give me a Blog Award of some kind. And when I found out that I'd received each and every one of those awards, I was, truly, honored and thrilled and humbled that you thought of me. And I meant to post about those awards and pass them on, but I sort of completely and utterly failed.

I also failed to display the corresponding widgets, because I am inexplicably widget-impaired. I know it's a simple copy and paste affair, and I've followed the directions, but for some reason Blogger denies me. It won't let me display the widget on my Dashboard. GRRRRR. I'd like to kick Blogger in the ass...because of *course* it can't be my fault!!

I want to assure you that I'm not ungrateful, just lame. And now I can't remember which of you I ought to thank, although I hope I did so in the comments section of your blogs.

It's a funny thing with me. Rather than posting awards, I just prefer to visit the blogs I love consistently, and read those fresh new posts, and leave my thoughts and admiration there. Because I'd WAY rather read what you awesome people are thinking about than blather on about me. I do that enough already, don't you think?

So forgive, dear readers.

But there is a way I'd like to give back to you, if you're willing to have me. Amy over at The Never-True Tales is running a lovely little exchange program on her blog. This program, called Won't You be My Neighbor, starts January 11 and you can read all of the specific guidelines/details HERE:

**Okay, see? Blogger will let me put the widget in the text of a blog post but not on my Dashboard! WTF! This is assholery!

Simply put, it's a guest post exchange. For the duration of the program, I'd like to invite bloggers I admire and enjoy to guest post on this blog. I'll display your post, explain a little bit about why I love you, and link back to Amy's blog.

And if you are so inclined, you can join in the fun by contacting Amy, signing up for the program, and host your own cadre of awesome bloggers on your site.

Guest posts appear every Friday, so if you'd be interested, please let me know! And I hope you'll visit me over at The Never-True Tales on February 5, when it's my turn to blab!

Criteria For Guest Bloggers: if you are on my sidebar or I visit your blog regularly, assume that I love you and would welcome your guest post. Just contact me if you're ready and willing!


Just wanted to assure readers that you do not have to cook or talk about something food-related to guest post! We could use some shaking-up on Fridays!!!!


  1. You're waaaay too hard on yourself!
    But please don't tell me when you say you suck at prompt that it doesn't mean you arrive late for everything. NONONONONO I have a friend who's like that and everyone knows it, so we all tell her to be someplace 15-30 minutes ahead of time. That way she'll arrive when we do. I am hoping you are referring ONLY to not being prompt at thanking the award givers. (Besides, you thanked me in a comment. Ages ago.)

  2. Is this what you were composing at 1 am? : ) You do not suck. For real! Besides, the fact that you are grateful for those awards is the most important thing.

    Once again, Amy has come up with a brilliant idea! I don't know how I missed it! Can't wait to join in on the action!

  3. If you suck I suck, I seem to do the same things. Okay maybe "suck" is a little strong. We don't suck, we just have a few quirks! We still mean well, just not that promptly. BTW, how long did it take you to write your thank you notes for your wedding gifts? lol! Did you take the full year that you're allowed? (I didn't mean that as a dig) I guess I better stop chattering now (another "quirk"):)

  4. Again, you have a teenage stepson. NO WIDGET EXCUSES.

  5. So funny, because I'm widget-impaired, too. There is even a widget for saying you're an award and tag-free blog, but I wouldn't know how to do that one either. Thank goodness I'm insipid enough that it hasn't been a problem. :)

    WordPress cut off our snowfall this week (!) so I suppose I need to shoot another day in Appearance cyberspace to update. Just wanted you to know that this isn't widget utopia for the truly impaired either, so blogspot may not be unique.

  6. Ok..I am officially adopting the phrase "assholery"!!!
    About awards..I graciously thank the person that gave them to me and that is all. I think they will forgive you, cause you rock!

  7. How did you get a widget in the body of a blog? You are way more tech savvy than you think. And you are not alone, there are a lot more late-thank-you-note giving people out there than you think- like count me in.

  8. You are too funny, and like Leslie posted in her comment, I think I need to use the phrase "assholery" as well :) Loved it! Don't be hard on yourself!

  9. I think I need to print out your cartoon above and post it near my desk...! Guest posting is a fun and great idea, and I too need to borrow the phrase "assholery". It fits so many life moments.

  10. Hi, my name is Kristin and I'm the queen of procrastination!

  11. since everyone loves 'assholery', I give you 'asshattery'!
    Asshat = having your ass on your head.

    I feel like a teenager teaching the youngins the bad word ropes. mwa ha ha.

    geez Witch, you have 1.010959 suckies for each day of the year! Without running the stats, I know it's significant. However, you are forgetting all the unsuckies which cancel out the suckies.

  12. You don't suck. You are too busy testing recipes so I have a varied menu each week to suck!

  13. I would love to participate...I think you love me but I'm not on your sidebar? Story of my life...I'm heading on over to read about the neighbor thing!! And you DO NOT suck!!

  14. Okay, so ironically enough, I just gave you a shout out on my blog. Don't worry; I will fully understand you are incredibly grateful. No follow up needed..hee hee. Your blog DOES make me smile (more like laugh-out-loud-pee--my-pants...the Santa mall thing??!)so I had to mention you! And..I'd love to participate! Not on your sidebar, but you have been visiting often, so perhaps if you don't love me yet, you are learning to.

  15. I, too, struggle with technology, which is why I keep my blog so simple. I've not tried all the tricks for 'social networking' I know are out there - too chicken or too lazy, I think (are those other words for 'suck'?)

    I'm not agreeing that you 'suck' but if you do, well, you write wonderfully and it just wouldn't be fair if you were that good at everything, would it?

  16. Oh TKW! Don't be too hard on yourself! And I have those same blogger issues. Can't figure any of the technical side of blogging out for the life of me!

  17. I'm not on your sidebar, but I would love to guest post for you if you are so inclined to have me. :)

  18. LOL, I thought I made up the word assholery, obviously great minds think alike. I won't tell you how cold it is here, because it's not, I live in California. But we did have a few earthquakes here last week. an effort to shrink my gut I am also posting recipes on my blog. I am posting a few weeks of Weight Watchers menus with points for people who follow that program. I would be honored if you would let me link up your blog in some of my menus. The recipes you have chosen are yummy and your writing cracks me up. Thanks!

  19. I suck too! I am always excited when a fellow blogger thinks I am worthy of a blog award. Honestly, I am amazed that people even read my blog, let alone give me an award. Although, I always comment on their blog my appreciation...I can't post the widget, and I never get around to writing 7 things that someone does not know about me.

    Cheers to you for forever making me smile, laugh and occasionally wet my pants from reading your blog. The best I could do for you would be to serve you martinis and provide a good meal. :-)

    P.S. I have been wanting to ask you if you would be interested in being a guest blogger on my site-Need to lighten up/shake up the foodie blog world. Too many recipes can make for a dull blog.

    I am heading over to check out the neighbor project.

  20. We'll just met today, that is I just started to follow you! But I hope u can visit me sometime! Nice to meet you! :-)

  21. Well, now I know NOT to pass an award on to you because without proper thanks and widget posting, it's just not worth it to me. :) You're so awesome Kitch, I'm sure noone could ever think you suck!

    I'd love to guest post on your blog. I'd be oh so honored.

  22. I'm totally a part of your suckage club. Your fucking t-shirt is still sitting next to me every day that I drive to work. Why so sucky? Why so sucky with the awards thing too? What is WRONG with us!?


  23. Repeat after me. I. Don't. Suck. There. Now doesn't that feel much better? :D You need to watch a little bit of that smiley guy from SNL. You know, the one with the positive affirmations. "I'm good enough. I'm smart enough..."

    Of course I'll go visit you over there!

  24. This is a good idea and I can't wait to read all the guest post.

  25. Oh and you don't suck.....:D

  26. Unusual but fun idea...will pop over and have a look - I'd like to say yes but... last time I did that for a pay it forward and I still haven't crafted anything for the pay it forward - I've even forgotten who I contacted to say I'd make something for them to pay it forward! Argh! So I'm a bit like you with the awards in that respect! Need to get this complete first and then I will probably be in the world am I going to craft?! (I did try cotton hearts but they look so mishapen it is sad...painting is probably the best bet...) xxx

  27. I always love your comments so please remove that silly notion of yourself sucking and buy yourself a nice bottle of wine!

  28. If you're interested, I'd love to guest post! And seriously--you do NOT suck in the least. :-)

  29. Speaking of sucking at promptness etc... that's why I am paying for it now: 3:30 am...

    You are fine! Sounds like a fun program.

  30. I never know what to do with those awards either. I actually get embarressed by them because I think, dude there are WAAAAAAY better bloggers than me; I can point you to them.

  31. I'd love to do the Be My Neighbor thing but have had waaaay too much wine tonight--it feels complicated. I'll check again too-much-wine...

  32. See, if I were a good person, I'd reassure you that you don't suck. Instead, I'm all, "We suck in the same ways! Let's form a club!"

    Am Bad Person. And not just for the above, but also because I confess to a little bit of glee at the notion that I, ahem, have given you an award over on my blog. Timely, no?

  33. I'd loooove to be your guest!! Just let me know what I have to do (assuming that you want me to be your guest. I promise that I won't raid your liquor cabinet and embarrass you in front of your neighbors!)
